Acquire • Verify • Maintain

Experience real estate like never before with GOODSQFT™. Our tool simplifies the complex task of obtaining and managing property details, allowing you to focus more on what truly matters- closing deals.

Who we are

Transforming Real Estate with Advanced Technology

Our mission is to revolutionize the management of real estate data, saving professionals time and reducing liability.

With years of experience in the Real Estate industry, we bring our expertise into real estate software development.

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What we do

Our software streamlines the process of collecting and documenting property details, enhancing professionalism and enabling users to improve their skills. It allows for efficient management of property information for future use and facilitates the sharing of property files within individual or large office settings.


Delivering accuracy, reliability, & dependability

Our advanced verification system, along with user-friendly upload tools, ensures accuracy and reliability in the information provided by real estate professionals. This approach proactively eliminates inaccuracies related to property specifics before they are entered into shared database systems. By focusing on meticulous data verification, we significantly enhance data quality, offering a service that is both dependable and trustworthy.
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Are you ready to register and start accessing higher-quality property data with GOODSQFT™?

Our value

Advanced real estate technology can enhance the quality of property details within the industry. Join us in introducing state-of-the-art innovations to the realm of real estate.

Professional Verification

We take accuracy seriously. Before sharing data with users, numerous verification checks are conducted to ensure the highest level of precision. Trust us; you're receiving the most reliable information available. Both third-party and AI verification techniques are employed.

Innovative Tools

Our square footage calculation tools, inspection outlines, and property detail database are specifically designed for Real Estate Professionals, offering unprecedented convenience and accuracy for their work.

Premium Support

Our software includes messaging capabilities and offers support from our team at all user levels, ensuring seamless operation around the clock.

Need Help?


At GOODSQFTTM, we offer the real estate sector advanced, cloud-based verification software tailored for both office and individual use. Our solutions are designed to enhance the accuracy and detail of property records. We pride ourselves on developing user-friendly tools that streamline file creation, save time, and cater specifically to the needs of real estate professionals.

Register as An Agent or Agency

You can now register as an agent or agency with GOODSQFTTM to start benefiting from more accurate property details and cloud-based storage for easier and more precise file management.

Contact Now

Need to discuss directly with us? Feel free to reach us by calling our number.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us for prompt assistance.

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